App to Improve Vision

What do you use your iPhone for? to send and recieve email, text and voice, to check news and weather, play games or maybe even just to find the closest pub? Well now you can improve your vision too. GlassesOff is an app about to be launched that has been scientifically devised to dramatically improve your vision.

As we age our body begins to deteriorate, our eyesight is effected because focusing on objects squashes and distorts the lens in  our eye causing the lens to be come less and less elastic as we age making it more difficult to focus. This is known as Presbyopia. The basic outcome of Presbyopia is for us to become long sighted, GlassesOff cannot fix this deterioration but it does compensate the effects through brain stimulation.

The software uses Gabor patches (images that have been mathematically blurred)  to stimulate the visual cortex in the brain. By doing this it is improving the time it takes the brain to process images, thus improving  the quality of the image through sheer processing power. The GlassesOff website states that there is "an average improvement of 80% in visual acuity".

The software due to be released early next year will have a purchase price of around $95 which offers users a three month training package which is designed to train your sight and improve your vision, and after that there will be monthly charges for 'maintenance' training to ensure your vision does not revert back to how it was.

The problem is, no matter what we do, eventually our vision will deteriorate as nature intended with or without software, however it does offer an attractive delay to the problem.